
Sunday Morning Services

Team Church continues to live out it's church calling of being open for those who need and desire an in-person Sunday service,
while also ministering to those who are not able to physically join us on Sunday mornings.  
If you are not on campus, we are providing live streaming for BOTH of our Sunday services.

Go to on Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 am for live-streaming.
Catch up on any messages you may have missed at .

Student Ministry Serve Days - Field Day at ONE7 Ministries!

Calling all students! We have an amazing opportunity to make a difference in our community by hosting a fun-filled field day for kids at ONE7 in Charlotte! On Saturday, May 17th from 10am to 1pm, we will head up to ONE7 for a time of devotion and Gospel sharing, a ton of field-day games, and a hotdog lunch for everyone. Register quickly because we can only take 30 students! Parents, if you are interested, we also need a good number of adults too! What we're looking for are enthusiastic students and adults who can have some fun spending intentional time with kids... Is that you? Register today! Along with your registration, we ask that you bring one of the following items: Laundry detergent, Lysol wipes, or other general cleaning supplies. The ONE7 community is in great need of these items. On May 17th, we will meet at the church at 9am, wait for everyone to get here, and carpool up together. Register now!

Student Ministry Serve Days – Make a Difference Over Spring Break!

Join us for two incredible opportunities to serve our community and show the love of Christ during Spring Break! Whether you can come to one or both days, your time and effort will make a lasting impact through the ministries of Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina. You can register for one of the service days, or both! At each serve day, you will need to bring your own water and some snacks. Each day, we will meet at the church, carpool there with Brad and the leaders, and carpool back to the church at the specified times!

Tuesday, April 22 – Laura’s Homes (Shelby) - 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
We’ll be deep cleaning to support the amazing volunteers who work with the kids daily. Tasks include cleaning kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, baseboards, and more. Meeting at the church at 12, carpooling there, and we'll be back by 5!
Wednesday, April 23 – Stegall Home (Marshville) - 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Help us refresh and beautify this space for the season! We’ll clean outdoor furniture, prepare outdoor areas for spring, plant flowers, and do some touch-up painting. Meeting at the church at 12:30, carpooling there, and we'll be back by 4:30!

Unleash Summer Camp 2025

Get ready for the best week of your middle and high schooler's summer! UNLEASH 2025 is packed with high-energy fun, lifelong friendships, and powerful encounters with Jesus! From July 1-5 at beautiful Bonclarken in Flat Rock, NC, students will step away from the distractions of the world and dive into a life-changing experience filled with epic games, dynamic worship, and unforgettable moments of faith. Whether they're ziplining through the air, competing in crazy team challenges, or soaking in inspiring messages and small groups, this week will ignite your student's heart and deepen their walk with God. Many students meet Jesus for the first time at camp—what could God do in the life of your student? The cost for camp is $399, so secure your spot with a deposit and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Unleash Summer Camp 2025

Every year camp is THE CAN’T MISS EVENT for our elementary aged kids who have completed 2nd-5th grade! This year will be no exception! We will venture to Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, NC on Saturday June 28 and return on Tuesday July 1. In between those two dates your kids will experience all kinds of fun and activities with their friends. Lake front with canoes and paddle-boats, a swimming pool, zip line, Gaga ball, climbing wall, leap of faith, a gymnasium 
and sports fields. Of course the food is amazing as are the snacks at the Nibble Nook! Last, but not least, your kids will experience worship, teaching, small groups and a spiritual retreat away from video games, TV, & the world. Parents, don’t let your kids miss this amazing experience. 
Cost this year is $325 per camper and that includes all meals, lodging, transportation, and a t-shirt.

TC Sports

Have questions about our sports ministry? Click the link below for more information!


4th Sunday of every month (except December)
Ready to take the next step? If you have given your life to Christ and are ready to go public with your faith, then register for baptism button below and we will get you in the next baptism class. Maybe you are not sure what it means to give your life to Christ but are interested in checking it out, simply click the Baptism picture to the left and learn more.

TC Crisis Response Team

Want to make a real difference in the wake of Hurricane Helene’s devastation in the NC mountains or any future disaster/crisis need?
We are forming aTeam Church Crisis/Disaster Response Team! - Local Training Day March 1
This team will be trained and ready to respond to situations when needed.
We have chosen to seize the opportunity for our church to partner with other churches and serve others on a larger scale.
The Baptists on Mission group trains people from all over the state. If there is a need they would contact those on our team that have had training.
No Experience Needed - just a willingness to go through the training and lend a hand.
STEP ONE:  Getting People Fully Trained. A LOCAL training day is on March 1, 2025 at Hickory Grove Baptist Church. Spaces are limited, so don’t wait to sign up!
SIGN UP HERE FOR CRISIS/DISASTER RESPONSE TRAINING  This link will take you to the Baptists on Mission website. You will need to create an account in order to register. There is a $40 fee to register for this training. The fee includes: PDF training manual, hat, shirt, ID badge, background check (if needed), meal, and temporary accident insurance.
If you cannot make this March training you can look to see when and where the next one will be.

TC Way Classes

Sundays at 11:00 am in the Flex Room
Ready to take the next step here at Team Church? The Team Church Way is  designed to introduce you to who we are as a church and help you find ways to get connected.
Regardless of how long you've been here, the Team Church Way will empower you to take the necessary “next steps” to facilitate your life-long spiritual growth process in Jesus. It is our hope that you will not only learn some interesting facts about Team Church, but you will also discover who God has created you to be, and in that discovery, we will TEAM up to see the lives of others impacted with the message of the gospel.

Child Dedications

Child dedication is an opportunity for parents to pledge their commitment to raise their child according to Christian values and beliefs.
Our dedication is a short ceremony that offers parents and the church the opportunity to pledge a commitment to your child. This ceremony is held Mother's Day weekend and again in the month of November during our regular Sunday services. 

Home Teams

We have a variety of small groups that we call Home Teams that meet on a semester schedule (Fall & Spring). They are one of the best ways to grow your faith, develop deep relationships, have accountability and serve the community. Click below to see what groups are being offered or find out more about leading one yourself.  

Red Cross Blood Drives

Team Church hosts Red Cross Blood Drives
The American Red Cross uses Team Church often for it's life saving Blood Drives.  If you are interested in donating please access the Red Cross site  via the button below to find out when the next Team Church Blood Drive is happening.

How can you stay informed?

Open and read the TC News!
We'd love to keep you informed about upcoming events and opportunities at Team Church. Each week, we send the TC News via email to active members and attendees. It's full of information that will help you and your family stay up to date and take next steps.  
If you are not receiving it and would like to, please email  with your correct email address and we will see to it that you receive it.